
Yellowfinn Sushi Bar & Grill servesAsian and Sushi.
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Opening Hours

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Asian Sushi


Live Music Outdoor Seating

Contact Details

(801) 466-2600

Directions to Yellowfinn Sushi Bar & Grill

Cost For Two



Subhdeep SahniSubhdeep Sahni

If youre from another state and familiar with Utahs odd restaurant and bar laws, a place like this hits the spot perfectly. Great beer selection. Really solid food, good tempura and sushi, although the bento box was way too sweet. Very good service. Not fake beer like youll find at almost all the breweries that are limited to 4%. We will visit again next trip to see our son at the U..

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Photos taken at Yellowfinn Sushi Bar & Grill


Reviews at Yellowfinn Sushi Bar & Grill

Subhdeep SahniSubhdeep Sahni

If youre from another state and familiar with Utahs odd restaurant and bar laws, a place like this hits the spot perfectly. Great beer selection. Really solid food, good tempura and sushi, although the bento box was way too sweet. Very good service. Not fake beer like youll find at almost all the breweries that are limited to 4%. We will visit again next trip to see our son at the U..

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